

GEO Review: El Salvador

Today we will go on an exciting journey through one of the most promising and interesting geographical regions — El Salvador. This small but very dynamic part of Central America is becoming increasingly attractive for launching traffic. General information El Salvador is a sovereign state located in Central America on the west coast. The capital […]

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Team Lead interview

Our team leader Alexandra answered the most interesting questions in a new interview 🧐. 1. What nuances of the nutra’s launching have you encountered in 2023? Globally, we were faced with the problem of catching a good convertionon geos, and as a solution to the problem, preference was given to local celebrities, which led to […]

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MAC Affiliate Conference in Armenia

September 30-31 may, 2023 Location: 1 Voskerichneri Street, Yerevan 0015, Armenia Website: https://yerevan.affiliateconf.com/

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Interview with the UNION AFFILIATE team

Hello, LemonAD is here! The new interview with the Union Affiliate team contains a lot of useful information and valuable tips that will help increase your profit 😉 We built the entire team from scratch, having tiny budgets for turnover at the beginning, put processes on stream, created several in-house departments that were not yet […]

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Where to launch traffic in LemonAD in 2024?

Friends, today we will answer a question that most of you are interested in — Where to launch traffic in LemonAD in 2024? We will provide the most up-to-date information, talk about statistics and share interesting information. Dominican Republic A Caribbean paradise with cheap traffic and fairly low competition in many fields. There are about […]

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Case Study on Slimfair offer with a 5300$ profit

Affiliate network: LemonAD Offer: Slimfair GEO: Bangladesh Traffic source: Facebook Ads Campaign period: 10.08.2023-10.01.2024 (with short pauses) Cost: 4750$ Total revenue: 10050$ Profit: 5300$ ROI: 111%  Technical part: Anti-detect: Adspower Domains: Freenom Cloaca: Curl (local shops) + Keitao filters Accounts: UA farms from the makemoneyfb shop Proxy: Mobile UA from the z-prozy service Cards: Adpos.io […]

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Case Study on GlucoPRO with 60% ROI

Campaign period: 01.08.23 — 31.11.23 Traffic source: facebook.com Offer: GlucoPRO GEO: Republic of South Africa Affiliate network: Lemonade Economy: Bid: 11$ Cost: 6360$ Total revenue: 10637$ Profit: 4277$ ROI: 59.7%  Capping: 50 leads daily Cloaca: tracker and cloaca Keitaro Payment systems: Mybrocard.com and Karta.io Accounts: @cparja_shop_bot Hello everyone! CPARJA is in touch! Today we want […]

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Interview with the InRate team

Hello to the InRate team! This year has been full of events and achievements for you. We’d like to delve deeper into your experiences, learn more about your plans for the future, and understand the principles and strategies that underpin your success. Let’s start! Questions: The first thing I would like to say about what […]

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How big platforms and internet companies detect that you are using proxy: HTTP3 and QUIC protocol

As digital privacy and security become increasingly crucial in the vast sphere of digital marketing, the tools and technologies designed to protect these facets are continuously evolving. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) play a pivotal role in ensuring anonymity and safeguarding data, yet not all VPNs are equal in their capacity to adapt to the latest […]

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