All about Colombia and even more

Not so long ago we did a review on the Philippines and received a lot of positive responses to it. We are extremely glad that we were able to provide really useful information that helped you get a good profit from our offers!
Of course, your reaction prompted us to continue a series of similar articles. And today we will analyze one of the most promising geo — Colombia! Why Colombia? We have very high-quality and useful information about the audience there, and we are about to raise the payouts on Colombian offers to $15 😉 It’s time to set up campaigns!
All the information presented here is collected directly from our local call centers, our inner affiliate teams and tests. The most useful content that can only be found, directly from the advertiser 😉
So, how and what can and should be promoted in Colombia?
First, let’s deal with the audience, potential customers or just residents of this country.
There are about 50 million people living in Colombia and 35 million of them are constantly using the Internet. Moreover, this number is constantly growing — from 2020 to 2021, the number of Internet users increased by almost 2 million. Also, statistics tell us that more than 80% of the population lives in developed cities. This means that they are constantly ordering or buying something on the Internet.
The majority of Colombians (68%) are over 18 and under 60, which means that the main part of the country is your potential buyers.
98% of the country’s population use mobile phones, of which 97.1% have smartphones. Also, a significant part of them have not one, but several devices for accessing the Internet.
The TOP 3 sites with the biggest amount of traffic will not surprise anyone — these are google, youtube and facebook. Wikipedia suddenly became the fourth in the list. Next come WhatsApp and Instagram. The remaining ten are closed by news sites and porn sites 🙂
It’s funny that the most popular search word on Google in Colombia is the word “traductor”, which means «translator». Do not forget that this is a Spanish-speaking country and its inhabitants rarely speak other languages well. Keep this in mind when creating promotional materials.
Colombians spend 10 hours a day on the Internet on average, 4-5 hours of them on social networks. The main part (75%) of social networks users are people from 18 to 45 years old. Facebook is your everything 🙂
However, keep in mind that 98.5% of Facebook users in Colombia use social networks via mobile phone and only 1.5% via desktop. Adapt the ad formats to mobile phones for greater conversion.
Well, now let’s move on to the products that Lemonad offers for Colombia. First of all, we will talk about the general points:
Regarding the target, we can suggest which cities are better targeted depending on the regions of Colombia.
Next, we provide you with a list in the format region-city:
ANTIOQUIA — Medellin
SANTANDER — Barranquilla
ATLÁNTICO — Bucaramanga
BOLÍVAR — Cartagena
NARIÑO — Pereira
META — Villavicencio
BOYACA — Ibague
The approval rate keeps almost at the same level during the day, but since the night shift at the call center is shorter and there are fewer dial-up attempts, we recommend setting up the timing so that traffic is divided 70/30 (Day/Evening-night).
What can/cannot be used in the promo?
- photos of ordinary people
Not okay:
- photos of media personalities (doctors, scientists, celebrities)
- mentions of complete elimination of the disease
- exact instruction for the product (for example, that 1 tablet per day will help you heal)
Everything 🙂 We have finished with the general settings, now we will move on to specific offers.
First of all, this is Enterotox.

What’s it?
Enterotox is a modern and natural remedy for parasites and worms. It cleanses the body of all known pests and cleanses the blood from their eggs.
The target audience of the offer.
By gender, Central Asia is divided almost equally — men make up 46.6%. As for age, 60% are people from 25 to 50, the remaining 40% are from 50 to 80. But the marital status among men and women differs: 90% of male buyers are married, while for women this percentage is only 63%.
The interests of the male target audience (i.e. requests on the Internet) are quite obvious — 64.2% are interested in health. Another 28.5% are looking for sports news. The remaining percentage goes deeper into politics. Women, for the most part, are also interested in health (53%). The rest Googles beauty tips (36%) and recipes and cooking life hacks (11%). When buying any goods, the majority focuses on the quality of the products (40%) and the benefits of the goods (35%). For the remaining 25%, the price remains the deciding factor.
Almost the entire audience is on Facebook and WhatsApp. The remaining 5-7% use Telegram. Again, Facebook is your everything if you run traffic on Colombia 🙂
Now you have all the necessary information for Enterotox Bay 🙂
Moving on — Glyco PRO!

What’s it?
Glyco PRO is an innovative meds for lowering blood sugar levels. The drug is annually certified and tested for efficacy and safety. Glyco PRO restores pancreatic function and insulin production. After undergoing a course of treatment, it is possible to maintain glucose levels within normal limits. The product itself is completely natural and performs two functions at once: normalizes sugar levels and normalizes insulin production in the body.
The target audience of the offer.
There is almost no gender division — 58% of men and 42% of women. Both are dominated by the older population — 60-70% from 50 to 80 years. Also, the majority of both men and women are married and make up about 65%.
As for interests, of course, health requests prevail — 55%. Further, 26% of men are looking for sports reports, the rest are reading about politics. In women, in addition to health, many are interested in beauty (30%), and the rest are looking for everything related to the kitchen and cooking. When choosing a product, men mainly focus on the quality of the product, and then they look at its benefits and, in the end, at the price. Women also pay the main attention to the quality of products, but in the next turn they look at the price, unlike men.
Due to the fact that most of the target audience is over 50 years old, WhatsApp is the main communication channel for them. Less often — Facebook and almost never — Telegram.
We’re done with Glyco PRO. Further — more!
Next up is Crystalix.

What’s it?
Cristalix is an innovative and certified vision enhancement product. With it, you will be able to see the result in a couple of days, and later — and completely give up points. It is a natural product that promotes healthy eye development, it eliminates discomfort and improves vision. Crystalix helps to relieve dryness, irritation and fatigue of the eyes, and also allows you to see better without lenses or glasses. If you work on a computer or with dim lights, which undoubtedly puts strain on your eyes, this is an indispensable drug for you.
The target audience of the offer.
According to the call center, men and women in this target audience are divided exactly 50-50. The majority of buyers (70%) rated their income as average, and the rest as low. Also, we found out which operator is most often used by buyers. The main part (60-70%) works with Claro, others — with Movistar. The remaining 4-5% use Avantel.
The most interesting thing is that the operators interviewed the buyers from where they learned about the product. And we got the following results: We saw banner or native advertising on the Internet — 60%
YouTube — 20%, 3rd and 4th place is shared by Google as a search engine and Facebook
And we move on to the last, but still very cool offer — Rhythmengix.

What’s it?
Rhythmengix is a modern drug for regulating and normalizing blood pressure. Also, the remedy helps well with heart problems. If the client is overweight, it is recommended to increase the dose. People choose Rhythmengix to avoid the effects of hypertension (heart attacks, stroke, etc.) or after the first serious attacks.
The target audience of the offer.
As with other offers, the audience is divided almost equally into men and women. 80% are people from 50 to 80 years old. Two-thirds of the number of buyers are married and another 30% are free.
As for interests, about 50% of the audience was interested in health when they came across this offer. Men were also interested in politics (33%) and sports (14%), and women were interested in beauty (32%) and also politics (12%). When buying a product, the vast majority focused on the quality of the product and to a much lesser extent on the price and its real benefits.
Men and women used social networks differently in this case. Both of them mainly use WhatsApp, but the same percentage of women found information about the product on Facebook, unlike men. Telegram is not used by almost anyone.
Well, we’re done for today. Feel free to set up campaigns and run traffic on Colombia — with this detailed data, you are going to get profit anyway 🙂
Remember that if you still have questions, you can ask your manager, as well as contact us on social networks — we are always happy to help!
The next review article will be published very soon. In the meantime, we will be glad to know which geo reviews you are waiting for — write to us and we will definitely take this into account 🙂