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Risk reduction tactics in arbitrage: diversification, insurance, limitation

calendar 09.09.24
time--v1 6 minutes

Traffic arbitrage, like any area with high profitability, is fraught with risks. Successful arbitrageurs always strive not only to increase profits, but also to minimize possible losses. To do this, there are various tactics, proven by time and experience, which allow you to reduce the level of risks. Among them, the key ones are diversification, insurance and limitation. In this article, we will look at each of these strategies so that you can use them effectively in your work.

Diversification: The main risk management tool

Diversification in traffic arbitrage is the process of distribute resources and efforts in several directions in order to reduce dependence on a single source of income. To put it more simply, this is a «don’t put all your eggs in one basket» strategy. The use of diversification allows you to minimize losses if one of the areas of work does not go as planned.

Diversification of offers
One of the simplest and most common methods of diversification in arbitrage is to work with several offers at the same time. The variety of offers allows you to avoid dependence on a single product or service. For example, if an arbitrageur works with only one offer, then any change in its terms (rate reduction, budget reduction, or even closure of the offer) can lead to significant losses. While working with multiple offers reduces this risk — even if one of them ceases to generate income, others can compensate for losses.

Traffic diversification
Another important tactic is to diversify traffic sources. Numerous arbitrage companies start their work with one or two channels, for example, Facebook or Google Ads. However, such platforms can be unpredictable — accounts may be blocked, terms of use may change, and access to the audience may be limited. In such situations, the availability of alternative traffic sources such as TikTok, Instagram, native networks, push notifications or even SEO helps to maintain a stable traffic flow and reduces dependence on a single platform.

Geo diversification
Working in different markets (geo) also plays a key role in reducing risks. In some countries, there may be economic crises, changes in legislation or new rules that may negatively affect the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. For example, regulations in the EU or the USA may be much tougher than in Asian or African countries. Therefore, geo diversification allows you to distribute the risks associated with external factors and stay in the game even when conditions change in one of the markets.

Risk insurance: A guarantee of stability

Risk insurance is another important tactic in traffic arbitrage that helps minimize losses. Although arbitrageurs usually do not work with traditional insurance products, there are methods that can be considered as forms of insurance.

Support from partner networks
Many partner networks provide arbitrageurs with support in the form of payment guarantees when certain conditions are met. This can be considered as a kind of insurance: if the arbitrageur fulfills the assigned tasks and reaches the agreed indicators, he is guaranteed to be paid money, even if the advertiser subsequently refuses the offer or faces financial problems.

Guaranteed minimum payments
Some arbitrage models provide guaranteed minimum payments, which can also be regarded as a form of insurance. For example, if the campaign does not bring the expected results, the affiliate network or the advertiser can compensate the arbitrageur for his costs. This reduces the risk of total loss of investments and provides some financial stability.

Using contracts
Contracts with advertisers or partner networks can also serve as a way of risks protection. By signing agreements, arbitrageurs can fix certain working conditions, which will help avoid unexpected changes. This is especially important when working with large advertisers or long-term campaigns.

Limitation: Control and management of resources

Limitation is a risk management tactic based on cost and resource control. In traffic arbitrage, the limitation can take various forms, including restrictions on budgets, testing new traffic sources, or limiting the number of campaigns running at the same time.

Budget limitation
One of the most obvious ways to reduce risks is to limit the budget for each campaign. By setting limits, the arbitrageur can control expenses and avoid a situation where one unsuccessful campaign consumes the entire budget. This approach is especially useful at the stage of testing new offers or traffic sources, when the result is not yet clear. By setting a limit, the arbitrageur can test hypotheses and determine which areas have the potential to scale.

Limitation of the number of campaigns
Running a large number of campaigns at the same time can be tempting, but it also increases the risks. The more campaigns there are, the more difficult it is to control and analyze them. Limiting the number of simultaneously launched campaigns helps to focus on the most promising areas and avoid excessive fragmentation of resources.

Rates limitations
Experienced arbitrageurs often set limits on rates per click or view. This allows you to avoid budget overruns in cases where the competition for the audience is too high. Limiting rates helps to maintain the profitability of campaigns and reduces the risk that too high traffic costs will lead to losses.

Combining strategies for maximum effect
Although each of the described tactics — diversification, insurance and limitation — is itself a powerful tool for reducing risks, the best results are achieved when they are combined. For example, an arbitrageur can simultaneously diversify his offers and geo, insure his risks through agreements with partner networks and set limits on budgets for test campaigns. Such an integrated approach helps not only to reduce the likelihood of losses, but also increases the chances of stable and long-term profits.

A practical example
Let’s say the arbitrageur works with several offers in different geo. He coordinates payment terms with partner networks in advance and sets limits on budgets for testing new campaigns. At the same time, it uses various traffic sources such as Facebook, TikTok and push notifications to avoid depending on one platform. If one of the campaigns turns out to be ineffective, other areas will help compensate for losses, and spending limits will protect against excessive losses.

Traffic arbitrage will always involve risks, but the correct risks management strategies can significantly increase the chances of success. Diversification allows you to distribute efforts and minimize dependence on a single channel or offer. Risk insurance through partner network guarantees and contracts helps to insure investments. Limiting expenses and campaign control ensures efficient use of resources and minimization of losses. Together, these tactics create a powerful protection mechanism that will allow arbitrageurs not only to reduce risks, but also to increase their profits in the long term.

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