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Myanmar geo review

calendar 30.01.23
time--v1 3 minutes

Myanmar is a densely populated country in South-East Asia. Before getting independence in 1948, Myanmar was called Burma. This is a picturesque country where the residents prefer a diverse and colorful lifestyle.

Burmans have an indifferent attitude to ads. They are prepared to show interest in novelty and various nutra products. Banner blindness is basically on-existent , so you can easily test bundles and creatives that work in other geos. Myanmar is a good geo for starting affiliate marketers that plan on working with Asia.

Background information about Myanmar

Myanmar has a population of 55.02 million people with 51.8% women and 48.2% men.

Naypyidaw is the capital city. 

State language — burmese.

About 90% of the population are buddhist.

The average salary is $155, and the national currency is the Myanmar kyat.

Target audience in Myanmar

The country features 28.25 million Internet users. Average age ranges from 25 to 45. 

Facebook is used by 19.25 million users and it is also much more popular than Google. Instagram has 1.85 million users. TikTok and Twitter are also popular.

The Burmese use social media platforms to communicate and get new information, including that of new products. Since Myanmar doesn’t offer large salaries, the people tend to save money on everything. Products that reduce spending are popular. Doctors are expensive, so cheaper remedies that treat symptoms are very relevant. 

The Burmese believe in traditional medicine and use it actively. The younger generation is interested in fashion and global beauty trends. Myanmar’s residents want to be just as attractive as Westerners. Popular offers include weight-loss products and products for hair and skincare, and teeth health.

These are kind, helpful, frank, generous and light-hearted people. That said they deadbeat gossipers and strongly believe in superstitions. They believe in magic, witchcraft, amulets and the magical effect of various potions.

Traffic sources and targeting features

The Burmese mostly use cellphones for the Internet. It is essential to pay attention to the adaptation of creatives, promotions, landing pages and to consider the Internet speed. Look towards big cities for targeting: Yangon and Mandalay. Other regions may have problems with shipping, no electricity or running water. 

You can try targeted Facebook or IG ads as traffic sources. Native ads are not that popular, so be careful and analyze the results, if you go for this option.

Offers for Myanmar

Here’s a list of fresh offers for Myanmar:

  • Giperium (high blood pressure) Ar: 25-30%
  • Crystalix (vision) Ar: 25-30%
  • GlucoPRO (diabetes) Ar: 25-30%
  • ViaGrain, ViaGrain2 (potency) Ar: 25-30%
  • Hammer (adult) Ar: 20-23 %
  • Green coffee (weight-loss) Ar: 25-30%
  • Stability (money saver) Ar: 25-30%
  • Cardioton (high blood pressure) Ar: 30%+
  • Detoxar (weight-loss)  Ar: 30%+


Myanmar is a promising geo for running traffic to nutra offers. There is potential for affiliate marketing: Internet coverage is increasing and soon all residents are going to be using it. The Burmese are interested in a healthy lifestyle, beauty, fashion, and they want to get products that can help solve problems quickly. That is why the nutra vertical is one of the most demanded.

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