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How Make a Selling Creo?

calendar 03.10.24
time--v1 9 minutes

In the world of traffic arbitrage, high-quality creativity plays a key role. It is creo, or advertising materials, that attract the audience attention, arouse interest and stimulate users to perform the desired action: go to the site, leave a request or buy a product. Regardless of whether you work with banners, videos or interactive elements, your main task is to make a creative that will stand out from the competition and ensure high conversion. In this article, we will look at the main stages of making a selling creo and share practical tips that will help you increase the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.

What is creo and its role in arbitrage?

Creo (from «creative») is an advertising material made to attract the attention of potential customers and encourage them to take action. In traffic arbitrage, creatives are presented in various formats:

  • Banners: static or animated images.
  • Videos: short video ads that talk about a product or service.
  • Interactive elements: games, quizzes, surveys that involve the user and direct him to further actions.

The main task of any creo is to quickly capture the attention and make the user want to learn more or perform a certain action. That is why the effectiveness of a campaign often directly depends on the quality of the creative.

Why is the right creo important?

In the world of digital marketing, competition for user attention is incredibly high. A potential client sees dozens, if not hundreds, of advertisements daily. In this saturated information space, the creative that stands out has tremendous power. A well-made creo not only attracts attention, but also evokes emotions that make users act. In addition, the right creativity can reduce the cost of attracting a customer (CPA) and increase the profitability of the campaign (ROI).

The stages of making a selling creo

Making an effective creative requires a comprehensive approach and careful preparation. Let’s look at the basic steps that will help you develop a creative that can convert traffic.

1. Target audience analysis

Before starting to make a creo, it is important to study your target audience in detail. Understanding who exactly you will sell to will help make your ads as relevant and personalized as possible. Questions worth asking when analyzing the audience:

  • Who is your client? These can be young people, middle-aged women, professionals in a certain field, etc.
  • What are their pains and needs? Understanding the client’s problems will allow you to select messages more accurately.
  • What emotions and motivations drive their actions? Some are motivated by fear, others by the desire to try new things or improve their lives.

Different audience segments may respond to different triggers. For example, young people may prefer bright, energetic banners with memes, while an older audience will respond to more calm and professional images.

2. Defining the purpose of the creative

The second important step is to define the purpose of the creative. Depending on which stage of the sales funnel your client is at, creatives can pursue different goals:

  • Increasing brand awareness. It is important to attract attention and introduce your offer to a potential client. These can be bright and memorable creatives that do not require instant action.
  • Conversion rate. These creatives are designed to encourage the user to take action — to buy a product, register or submit a request. They should be as convincing as possible and include a call to action.
  • Retargeting. Retargeting creatives are aimed at those who have already interacted with your brand but have not made a purchase. Here you can use more personalized offers, such as discounts or bonuses.

Defining a goal helps you choose the right creative format and customize its content to the right audience.

3. Choosing the creo format

The format of the creative depends on the goals of the campaign and the channels in which the advertisement will be used. Here are some common formats:

  • Banners: Static or animated images for advertising networks and social networks. Banners are suitable for quickly capturing attention.
  • Videos: The video tutorial works well for social media, YouTube and mobile apps. Short, dynamic videos allow you to show the product in action and evoke more emotions.
  • Interactive creos: These are quizzes, mini-games, and surveys that involve the user in the process and can offer personalized solutions. These formats enhance interaction with the audience, stimulating them to make decisions.
  • The choice of format also depends on the site: for example, in TikTok and Instagram Reels, video clips may work better than banners, and for Google Ads it is important to pay attention to the quality and variety of static images.

4. Concept development

After you have decided on the format, you need to come up with a creative idea. A good creo should not only be memorable, but also convey the key benefits of your product or service. The main approaches to the creation of the concept:

  • Focus on the problem. Show how the product solves the user’s problem. This approach is often used in creatives for medical or financial products. For example, a demonstration of a person with a headache and then relief after taking medication.
  • An emotional response. Evoke an emotion in the user: joy, curiosity, fear. This will create a connection with the product and increase the likelihood of conversion.
  • Visual triggers. Bright colors, unusual images and creative design solutions will help to distinguish creo from many others.
  • Call to Action (CTA). Every creative should contain a clear and precise call to action. It can be a button with the text «Buy now», «Learn more» or «Get a discount». It is important that the call is clear and guides the user to the next step.

5. Design and visual design

One of the key success factors of a creative is its visual design. It is important that the design matches the theme, it is attractive and is easily perceived. Here are some basic design principles that will help you create an effective creative:

  • Clarity and simplicity. Do not overload the creative with unnecessary elements. The user should understand at a glance what your creative is about and what needs to be done.
  • High-quality images and graphics. Low-quality photos or cheap graphics can greatly reduce the credibility of your offer. Use professional images and illustrations.
  • Contrast and accents. Contrasting colors help highlight important elements such as CTA or key product benefits.
  • Concise texts. The text should be short and informative. The optimal amount of text is one short phrase or sentence that conveys the essence.

6. Testing and optimization

After the creo is ready, it needs to be tested. Arbitrageurs often use the A/B testing method to understand which creatives work best. To do this, several creo options which are shown to different segments of the audience are made. Based on the test results, it is possible to determine which creo option brings the highest conversion and ROI.

Parameters that should be monitored during testing:

  • CTR (Click-through rate): An indicator of the clickability of a banner or video.
  • Conversion: How many users completed the target action after interacting with the creative.
  • CPC/CPA: Cost per click and cost per action.

Optimizing creatives based on the data obtained helps to improve the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

Tips for creating effective creatives

  • Use feedback and social proof. If your product has already received positive feedback, be sure to include them in your creatives. Social Proof is one of the most powerful tools to increase the credibility of your offer. Reviews can be presented in the form of text blocks with photos of real people or through videos with a product demonstration.
  • Personification. The more personalized your creative is, the more likely you are to succeed. For example, adapt your ads to certain geo and cultural characteristics. Use local names, portray people who match the demographic characteristics of the target audience, and select appropriate local colors and symbols.
  • Minimalism is your friend. It is important not to overload the creo with details and information. Leave only the most important thing — what is really capable of arousing interest. The simpler and clearer the message, the more likely it is that the user will perceive it. Verbose and complex creatives are often ignored.
  • Testing of various formats and approaches. Even if one of the formats is already producing results, you should not stop there. Try new types of creatives — from short videos to infographics or even gamified creatives. Each format can work differently depending on the site and the type of audience.
  • Don’t be afraid to evoke emotions. One of the key aspects of successful creatives is the emotional engagement of the audience. No matter what emotion you want to evoke (joy, surprise, fear, or curiosity), it must be strong and sincere. Users are more likely to respond to ads that evoke an emotional response from them than to dry and rational arguments.
  • Adaptation to mobile devices. More and more users are consuming content via mobile devices, so it is important that your creativity is adapted to mobile platforms. Check how it is displayed on different screens, how convenient it is for perception and interaction.
  • Uniqueness and originality. Template creatives that are already «boring» to users will most likely not attract attention. Create unique and non-standard solutions. This may be an unexpected idea, a non-standard presentation, or a new approach to product visualization.

Typical mistakes when creating creatives

  • Unnecessary complexity. Too confusing creos with many elements and complex texts scare users. Simplicity is the key to success. Focus on one or two main messages.
  • Lack of a clear call to action (CTA). If the creative does not specify exactly what the user needs to do (for example, «Buy now», «Learn more»), this may negatively affect the conversion. The call to action must be visible and clear.
  • Unsuccessful use of colors and fonts. Colors that are too bright or poorly matched can distract or even cause user’s rejection. It is also worth avoiding small and hard-to-read fonts.
  • Ignoring the needs of the audience. Not every creative is suitable for everyone. If you create ads for different audience segments, adapt it to their preferences. Universal creatives often lose their effectiveness.


Making a selling creative is a complex but fascinating process that requires a careful approach to each stage: from analyzing the audience to testing the finished product. The main thing is to follow trends, understand the needs of your target audience and constantly optimize creatives based on results.

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