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Home / Guides / How do SPY services work and why is it important to keep an eye on your competitors

🔥How do SPY services work and why is it important to keep an eye on your competitors?🔥

calendar 18.09.23
time--v1 6 minutes

We have published an article on this topic on our website

✅ Told about the main principles of SPYs work; 

✅ Showed what functionality they have

✅ Provided our top 3 best services.  

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SPY service: how it works and why it’s important for a publisher to peek at others

SPY service is an easy way to track your competitors’ promos and creatives in order to customize your ad campaign without risky investments in tests.

To get a clearer picture of the usefulness of SPY service, let’s look at the following scenario.

Imagine a webmaster who is developing a new ad campaign. He already has an offer selected and a certain source from which he will launch traffic. Then he needs to create creatives that will potentially show good results. But how to do it right if he hasn’t dealt with this offer and GEO? 

SPY service comes to the rescue by giving the opportunity to consider the methods used by other webmasters. With its help, you will be able to identify working features for yourself, analyze statistics and create an advertising campaign with minimal financial losses.

The 5 main goals of SPY services

SPY services help you accomplish many goals, but we’ll look at the top ones.

  • Analyzing competitors’ ideas and methods. 

You have the opportunity to study competitors’ ads, analyze their profitability and identify successful campaigns. Juicy phrases that attract attention; an unusual picture, a creative video — all this can inspire you to create your own successful advertising campaign;

  • Analyzing landing pages. 

With the help of SPY-service you can «borrow» landing pages with high indicators, or take from them conversion features, which in your opinion will show excellent results. Also, some SPY-services have analytical tools for promotional materials;

  • Statistic checking. 

With the help of the selected SPY-service you can easily analyze the most important data: duration of the advertising campaign, views, number of conversions, etc;

  • Use of creatives. 

It is possible to copy creatives, but it is better not to do so. Some advertising networks ban repetitive creatives. And remember that TA could also see this banner, so this approach is not welcome. We recommend creating unique creatives;

  • Selecting an offer. 

SPY-service helps to track successful campaigns, which gives you the opportunity to explore a variety of offers and choose profitable offers.

SPY-services are libraries of advertisements of different webmasters, which are regularly updated with new materials. With the help of various filters (keywords, GEO, language, etc.) you can find data that will help you create an advertising campaign without unnecessary financial risks.

How to use SPY services?

Of course, the functionality and interface of spy services are different. But we will look at the main principles of working with them on the example of the Anstrex service. Here you can analyze native advertising and push notifications in other countries. 

After registration, you get to the main page.

And right away we see that you can choose to search by creatives or landing pages.

In the upper left corner, you select the ad for which you want to find the necessary information.

On the top menu bar we see filters (ad network, GEO, device, language, category, AP, tracker and technology), by selecting which you can find top promos and creatives. 

Then by clicking the Search button, you can choose the standard search by URL or landing page.

You can choose advanced functionality below where you can customize a unique search algorithm.

All SPY services usually have intuitive search settings, so you shouldn’t have any trouble with this. 

Best SPY services

  1.  Anstrex

One of the best services to find promos and creos in other countries. 

Its benefits: 

  • Easy integration with various platforms such as Shopify, Woocommerce, AliExpress, Digital Ocean, and other external platforms.
  • Ability to search and analyze creatives of competitors across 27 native networks, 38 push networks, and 32 Pop Ad Networks.
  • Data for 92 countries, including more than 10 million ads. The service is based on the use of high quality resident proxies, which ensures data accuracy.
  • Mobile data support: more than 850 network operators are supported. Data is collected from real devices.
  • Flexible rates that allow you to choose the most suitable option in accordance with your budget and tasks.
  • Responsive and competent technical support and access to Anstrex’s well-structured knowledge base and community. YouTube training videos are also provided on the platform.
  1. AdPlexity

This service is a part of an organization widely known on the popular StackThatMoney forum. This means that beta testing is conducted with the participation of leading publishers.

Its advantages:

  • Large-scale coverage in over 75 GEOs and works with 100+ affiliate networks.
  • Adaptation and API. Custom adaptation includes tracking specific queries, specific tracking domains and unique links, all on a case-by-case basis. 
  • Russian language support. Any questions will be answered by a specialist in Russian. 
  • Email Newsletter. The system sends you examples of advertising campaigns with the best performance, as well as shares links to ready-made top promos. 
  • It’s hard to bypass the system. The service team monitors popular cloaking methods and identifies new approaches that publishers use to hide their campaigns.
  1. AdHeart

It is popular among those who use Facebook and Instagram. 

Its advantages:

  • Extensive database. This is a collection of advertising materials with a base of more than 1 million creatives!
  • Recent information. There is a constant updating of the database, which provides access to the latest information.
  • Downloading creative materials. On a full subscription you can download creatives.
  • Search by applications. Additional functionality for app promotion allows you to search for popular apps and related promotional materials.

We’ve told you about the most important principles of SPY services and provided you with a list of the best ones. With their help, you will be able to minimize financial risks and launch a successful advertising campaign. 

We wish you good luck and maximum profit!

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