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Home / Guides / How and why Nutra remains profitable in 2024

How and why Nutra remains profitable in 2024

calendar 09.04.24
time--v1 2 minutes

Despite the constant changes in the world of Internet marketing, the vertical of the nutra continues to be one of the most profitable and in demand. In 2024, this segment not only retains its popularity, but also acquires new prospects. Why?

Focus on a healthy lifestyle

Modern consumers are increasingly focused on taking care of their health and well-being. In this context, the nutra, which offers just the right solutions, remains relevant. This trend is expected to increase in 2024, which makes nutra even more in demand.

Global Internet reach and audience expansion

The rapid spread of the Internet at the global level opens up unique opportunities for affiliates in the vertical. The emergence of online communities and platforms from all over the world makes it possible to effectively reach a diverse audience. 

Affiliates can adapt their advertising strategies to different cultural contexts and consumer preferences, expanding their reach. 


The introduction of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data analytics makes online marketing within the vertical more accurate and effective. These innovations help optimize campaigns by increasing their effectiveness and conversion rate.

Individualization of the approach

Personalized marketing is becoming more significant, and affiliates in the nutra vertical are actively using data on consumer behavior to create more targeted and relevant advertising campaigns, which helps to improve the quality of traffic and increase their profit. 

The global pandemic and taking care of your health

The experience of the global pandemic has increased interest in strengthening the immune system. Products aimed at maintaining health and immunity are becoming more in demand, which opens up opportunities for successful affiliation  in the nutra vertical.


Thus, in 2024, nutra continues to be a profitable area in Internet marketing. The combination of changing consumer preferences, global accessibility and technological innovations make this segment attractive to affiliates and advertisers.

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