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Home / Guides / 7 prelanding pages hacks with crazy conversion in nutra and commodities verticals

7 pre-landing pages hacks with crazy conversion in nutra and commodities verticals

calendar 17.12.22
time--v1 5 minutes

How do you create a pre-landing page with explosive conversion? That’s a question thousands of webmasters across the globe are working on. Albeit, only a few get truly high conversion…

But, worry not my friend. Now that you’re reading this article, you have all the opportunity to end up among the best. Off we go!

What pre-landing page formats work best?


This format suits basically any geo. But, why? Well, it’s simple. People trust “their own kind”. Write a touching story that reflects on the pains of the target audience and you’re good to go. Well, there are nuances of its own.

The story must be realistic!

A common mistake webmasters make is to pump the pre-landing page with exaggerated pains too much. But, what’s the point, if theTA does not experience them?

So, that’s where the first hack comes in. It will help you create a quality pre-landing page. So, appropriate it like an artist 🙂 Spend some time on forums, look for real-life stories and copy them, with an addition of a miraculous solution -> the promoted offer. Trust me, this is the best thing you can do for conversions. If you’ve never come across the TA’s pain, it’s not very likely that you can describe it.

Lots of photos from the hero’s personal life.

The more proof you provide that this is a real person, the more people will believe you.

Here are a few examples…

Moving on to the second hack. Where do you get these realistic photos from? Facebook, my dude. Specify the age and sex of the TA, and go off in search of your hero. Yep, it’ll take some time. But, it’s worth it.

Catch the third hack. Of course, some may find this info obvious, but have faith, for it is essential. The photos must be native! In China, the hero must be Chinese, in India — an Indian, etc.

Make live photos of the offer.

If you’re lucky, the affiliate network might have plenty of quality live photos. If that’s not the case, request that they will be sent to you and do the work yourself.

And here’s the fourth hack. Insert the live photos in the comments section (minimum 3-5) under the pre-landing page, and before the comments where the hero concludes his story.

Photos must be “home-made”. No need to bother with the lighting and hire models. Take your friends and family, rent their services and snap a couple of pics. Voila, your photos are perfect for the pre-landing page.

Before-after photos.

Bro, if you can insert before-after photos, then do so without hesitating!

Do this in the very beginning, so that you can hook the TA from the first seconds, and throughout the whole pre-landing page. Obviously, don’t forget about the comments. Use photos of other people there. And we’re talking about all existing formats, not a single type. It works everywhere!!!

Purposeful errors.

Look at the fifth hack. Make mindful errors in the text when the hero is speaking. By doing this you will bring the hero closer to real people, the same ones as in your target audience. Got it? But make sure you don’t overdo it. The text must be simple and easy to read.

You can, however, overdo it in some comments to make the pre-landing age as real as possible. But leave some room for literate people 🙂

Moving on to the next format.

2.Scientific articles, interviews, sensations with doctors.

Yep, you’re right. Here, your main heroes are doctors. And you have to pay attention to details.

Nationality plays an important role.

And here’s your sixth hack. Not all countries respect their own doctors. Also, there might simply be no trust, or doctors are preferred from countries with better developed medicine.

For example, Russians like German and Israeli doctors.

So how should you know what doctors are preferred in a certain geo. Well, you can either text your personal manager and he’ll put in some effort. Or, Google it.

A photo of the doctor.

Obviously, the doctors in the photos must be renowned. Don’t use stock photos of doctors with a perfect smile. Have you ever seen these? Search for some real doctors online, or go through Facebook.

Here’s an example of a regular doctor that’s tired of life.

Scientific style.

You don’t have to memorize scientific terminology, but the text should be well-written with no foolish mistakes..

And the last format we will look at today.

3.Well-known TV programs.

Can’t forget these! People that watch TV are still fascinated by them. Let’s see the details.

More photos from the program.

Once again, the more proof you provide the TA with, the more likely they will be to believe that this edition genuinely existed, thus the conversion will be higher.

BUT! Take a look at the seventh hack and save your time. Before designing your pre-landing page, contact your affiliate network manager that you drive to, and ask if what you’re doing is appropriate. Each affiliate network has its own rules. If this geo’s rules are strict, your pre-landing page will be banned. If that’s not the case, go with peace and finish your pre-landing page with unimaginable conversion.

Photoshop — the devil is in the details.

If you wield these skills, then photoshop your offer into one of the photos to make it more real. If you make it really good, then the common folk will trust your pre-landing page.

Bro, we’ve covered the most important points that will help you create your own pre-landing page with excellent conversion.

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By the way, we create the best pre-landing pages. Contact your personal manager for these.

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