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Home / Cases / Where to launch traffic in LemonAD in 2024

Where to launch traffic in LemonAD in 2024?

calendar 19.02.24
time--v1 4 minutes

Friends, today we will answer a question that most of you are interested in — Where to launch traffic in LemonAD in 2024? We will provide the most up-to-date information, talk about statistics and share interesting information.

Dominican Republic

A Caribbean paradise with cheap traffic and fairly low competition in many fields. There are about 10 million Internet users in the country. Internet spreading is 85.2% of the total population.

We recommend to add more discounts, super offers and promotions in creatives. Latin Americans love it because in many ways unwittingly brought up on the advertising approaches of the United States.

Top offers of the geo are:

Visiform DO — vision

Alividerma cream DO — joints

Rates: from 8$

Approval: from 30-35%


One of the main advantages of this GEO is its wide target audience among Arab countries.

There are about 34 million Internet users in Iraq. Internet spreading is 74.9%

Cardizoom IQ — new hypertension

GlucoPRO IQ — diabetes

Rates: from 10$

Approval: from 30%


Despite the difficult economic situation, Nepal attracts the attention of affiliates with its densely populated audience. More than 10 million internet users in the country represent potential leads for successful campaigns.

Given the low connection speed, it is recommended to avoid videos and animations in promotional materials.

Ketolax NP — weight loss

Rates: from 7$

Approval: from 17%


When planning advertising campaigns, you should focus on users of large cities. This will allow you to reach a solvent audience concentrated in these places more effectively. In rural areas, conditions remain almost medieval, and therefore it is advisable to focus on the most developed of them.

Below are the top offers in Tanzania:

Visiorax TZ — vision

GlucoPRO TZ — diabetes

Rates: from 6$

Approval: from 25%

Costa Rica

Known as the «rich coast», Costa Rica is a small country in Central America, meaning it offers amazing opportunities with less competition and more affordable traffic prices compared to more developed countries.

It is important to note that the population of Costa Rica, despite belonging to Tier-2, is by no means poor, which, with the right strategy, provides excellent opportunities for making a profit.

Better Me LowPrice CR — weight loss

MoviMob CR — joints

Rates: from 15$

Approval: from 30-35%


Despite economic instability, Uganda is a potential market for traffic affiliation. Approximately 25% of local residents, which is almost 12 million people, use the Internet. Given the availability of cheap traffic and virtually no competition, this provides an excellent opportunity to launch traffic.

Top offer:

Cardizoom UG2 — hypertension

Rates: from 12$

Approval: from 17%


Local residents are exploring the vastness of the World Wide Web with great interest. Currently, more than 70% of Peruvians actively use the Internet. Mobile connections predominate in the country, but its speed leaves much to be desired. Based on this, it is recommended to avoid heavy videos and animated creatives.

The main paying audience is concentrated on the social network Facebook, which makes it easy to select a traffic source. Traffic audience of Peru is not yet saturated with advertising, so almost all verticals are successfully converted. Products in the nutra vertical, which are in high demand in the country, especially stand out.

Urofarm PE — prostatitis

Movi Mob PE — joints

Rates: from 15$

Approval: from 25-30%

New GEOs in 2024

We have big plans for this year. We plan to launch 15 new GEOs at once. Here is their list:

  • Panama
  • Tunisia
  • USA
  • Brazil
  • Cameroon
  • Zambia
  • Paraguay
  • Benin
  • Egypt
  • Algeria
  • South Africa
  • Kenya
  • Ghana
  • Uruguay
  • Myanmar

You will learn about the launch of these GEOs from our news and from your manager.

Launch traffic to a list of recommended GEOs, get the best conditions for selected offers from your manager and reach maximum profit.

Good luck!

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