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The Golden Bundle in Tunisia: the successful case of our webmaster

calendar 25.11.24
time--v1 4 minutes

In the world of arbitrage, fresh offers and non–standard approaches are the key to success. Today we are sharing the real story of our webmaster, who managed to achieve impressive results working with an adult offer in Tunisia. He described in detail how he managed to launch a profitable campaign, which strategies turned out to be the most effective and what he learned from this experience for future projects.

The choice of a bundle: Tunisia and an adult offer

The case is based on a fresh adult offer focused on Tunisia. Why did he choose this particular bundle? As explained by the webmaster, this combination seemed optimal due to several factors:

Available GEO. Tunisia is a country with low–cost traffic, which lowers the entry threshold for the campaign.

The freshness of the offer. A new product on the market always arouses the interest of the audience.

Work experience. The team already had experience of successful campaigns in this field, which made it possible to use proven approaches.

The key strategy was to test several approaches to the promo. Various creatives were created, of which the best option was soon chosen.

Traffic sources and first results

Facebook was used for promotion, namely the placement in the news feed, which in this case showed the best results. Despite the known difficulties with Facebook moderation, the webmaster noted that there were no serious difficulties at this stage.

The main focus was on creatives. They became the basis of the campaign, ensuring high user engagement. The most successful creatives were made in the adult style with a few tricks: the image veiled the penis so that the target audience understood the essence, but Facebook’s algorithms did not block ads.

The evolution of creatives

From the very beginning of the campaign, it became clear that women’s eroticism works worse than men’s. Therefore, the strategy was focused on promoting materials related to male erection.

Creatives were updated in a timely manner to avoid reducing the interest of the audience. However, there were no drastic changes in the approach – the chosen style gave stable results.

Metrics and metrics

The campaign has demonstrated excellent metrics:

CTR (engagement): 10-13%.

CR (landing page conversion): 0.5–1%.

ROI (payback): 80-120%, with a variation depending on the level of the application.

The lead price remained stable throughout the campaign, which ensured predictability and the possibility of long-term work.

A/B testing and optimization

The webmaster actively used autotargeting, trusting Facebook’s algorithms to find the right audience. Before the launch, the basic configuration of the target audience was carried out, after which the results were optimized using a pixel.

A/B testing played a key role: at the launch stage, a «pack» of creatives was loaded, of which only the most successful ones remained. This allowed us to focus on the most effective solutions.

Why did it work?

The webmaster identified several success factors:

A good bundle. A fresh offer and an understanding of the peculiarities of Tunisia.

High-quality creatives. Having seen enough in the niche allowed us to create materials that aroused the interest of the audience and passed moderation.

The proven landing page. The landing page was adapted to the mentality of the target audience, which increased trust and conversion.

Tools for work

Mtvspy and adheart services were used to study the market, which helped to collect information about competitive campaigns. To make creatives, the webmaster used Photoshop and Movavi, which provided high-quality materials.

Tips for webmasters

Based on this case, the webmaster gave several recommendations to colleagues:

  • Test everything. Creatives, offers, landing pages, accounts – only constant experiments will help you find the perfect solution.
  • Study the mentality. Understanding the characteristics of the target audience is the starting point for any successful campaign.
  • Trust the data. React to test results, adjust hypotheses, and update approaches based on statistics.


This case is a great example of how competent testing, understanding GEO and the right tools help to achieve stable results. Even in a competitive environment, adult offers continue to show high potential if approached with intelligence and attention to detail.

There are no universal solutions in arbitrage, but successful examples inspire you to try and look for your golden bundles.

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