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Home / Cases / Flexibility NG case for 580

Flexibility NG case for $580

calendar 25.03.22
time--v1 2 minutes

Hello everyone!

Obviously, case studies provide the most useful info for webmasters. Nothing surprising: combos, promos, life hacks — what could be more useful than detailed information about running the exact offer?

And although Lemonad has only recently gone public, we have been working in private for years and have a huge expertise, which we are happy to share.

Let’s not dissemble — our income depends on yours, but this is the main reason why we are doing everything possible to help your ROI skyrocket. When registering, a personal manager is assigned to each of you, he will help you with any information he has and answer any question you are interested in.

Of course, our help does not end there, so we decided to share successful case studies for you. Let’s start with the Adders Team’s one!

Flexibility offer case study for NG with a profit of $580

Traffic Source: MGID

Niche: Health

Offer: Flexibility (joints)

Payout: $6

Affiliate network: Lemonad

GEO: Nigeria

Date: 1.2.2021 — 28.2.2021

Spent: $2,624.89

Income: $3207.5

Profit: $583

Since this geo was quite new, there was more than enough traffic and there were almost no problems with the launch.

We started with a price of 3 cents per click. Then the cost dropped and as a result, the average price came out at 1.8 cents. Over the entire time, we received about 146,000 clicks, and the average CR turned out to be 0.3%.

Also, we selected the top creative materials from other geos for this category, launched advertising campaigns with at least 15 ads that had different approaches and different colors. Examples:


Speaking of settings and targeting, we adhered to the standard taken from other geo for similar offers and verticals.

GEO — Nigeria, we used English language. The guys from the Lemonad team helped with the promo translation and adaptation, they also proofread materials without any problems, thanks to this, conversion rate got higher.

As a result, for 28 days of running traffic to the offer, we received about 580 bucks of profit.

We hope our case study was useful to you and you will have the opportunity to apply this knowledge for future work 🙂

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