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Case Study on Slimfair offer with a 5300$ profit

calendar 13.02.24
time--v1 3 minutes

Affiliate network: LemonAD

Offer: Slimfair

GEO: Bangladesh

Traffic source: Facebook Ads

Campaign period: 10.08.2023-10.01.2024 (with short pauses)

Cost: 4750$

Total revenue: 10050$

Profit: 5300$

ROI: 111% 

Technical part:

Anti-detect: Adspower

Domains: Freenom

Cloaca: Curl (local shops) + Keitao filters

Accounts: UA farms from the makemoneyfb shop

Proxy: Mobile UA from the z-prozy service

Cards: Adpos.io

Hello everyone! For several years now I have been affiliating weight loss offers to different geos from everyone’s favorite traffic source, but for some reason I never got around to Asian Tier-3 countries. After thinking a little and not expecting anything good, I decided to try Bangladesh. In the end I was pleasantly surprised by this geo.

I chose the Slimfair offer because it had the highest payout at the lowest price on the landing page. Plus, the offer comes in the format of green powder, which can be clearly used on promotional materials.


At the first stage, I took into the test all the landings that I could find and after a little launching, I left the landing with the best results.

On this landing I changed the photos and slightly rewrote the comments, making them more realistic.


Based on the test results, I came to the conclusion that teaser creatives work best, as they give the highest CTR and the lowest CPC and CPL. On the creatives below, the CPC was in the range of $0.01-0.02.

Creative №1

Creative №2

Creative №3

An example of statistics for one of the creatives

More “marketing” creatives did not show a radically higher CR, but did show a much lower CTR and higher CPC and CPL.

I also note that despite the large population in Bangladesh, creatives become irrelevant quite quickly, which can be observed in the frequency of ad showings in the advertising account. Therefore, you should often change creatives so that your target audience does not watch the same thing several times.

Settings and launch:

Advertising campaigns were launched at the auto bid, since for some reason the pixel very often did not return all conversions and I could not launch correctly at the maximum price — the accounts simply did not work.

At a distance, the difference in conversions in the advertising account and tracker could reach 20% in individual campaigns.

I targeted only women aged 30 to 64 years old, since men didn’t convert at all.

I used automatic placements, since the advertising office itself optimized everything perfectly.

I did not use autorules or scheduled display since there were no drawdowns in conversions and approval for this offer regardless of the time of day.

Final statistics:

Statistics from the CPA

Statistics from the tracker (costs were not transferred)


I liked that the approval was stable throughout the entire launching — I literally never had to write to my manager with requests to push the call centers, kick the advertiser etc 🙂

By the way, thanks to manager Sergei for responding in a timely manner and even raising the payment several times.

In my opinion, the advantage of this geo is that, it is not so overesed, and people do not yet have such “teaser blindness”, so the target audience may be interested in seemingly the most well-worn approaches in creatives and the most common landing pages that provide CPA (unlike, for example, Latham).

At the moment I am also working with other verticals in geo Bangladesh and have no plans to leave there yet 🙂

Thank you for your attention and good luck!

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