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Case Study on Nutra with 145.3% ROI

calendar 07.11.23
time--v1 2 minutes

Dump Period: 06.08.2023-06.10.2023

Traffic Source: facebook.com

Offer: Sucrenorme CI

GEO: Cote d’Ivoire

Affiliate Network: Lemonad


Spent: $3606

Earned: $8846

Profit: $5240

ROI: 145.3%

Anti-detect: AdsPower

Proxy: Mobile

Domains: Aged domains, used for subdomain creation

Accounts: 50 King accounts with auto-regs

Cloak: Keitaro tracker and cloak

Hello everyone, I’m Alexander. Since 2019, I’ve been involved in traffic arbitrage, consistently exploring the Nutra vertical. Recently, I decided to experiment with some cost-effective GEOs and tested a new offer for diabetes. I set my sights on African countries and, with guidance from my proficient manager Sophia, we opted to test Sucrenorme CI after boosting the initial bid.


I employed auto-funneling via FBTool 1-3-1 (1 campaign, 3 ad sets, 1 creative).

Placements: Autoplacements, targeting the age group 40-65. Utilized auto-bidding with a daily campaign budget of $50, running campaigns 24/7 without breaks for call center work or weekends.

I used King accounts with auto-regs, choosing the cheaper «non-PZR» option as I didn’t see the point in buying PZR accounts at twice the price (advertising restrictions can be bypassed easily by submitting documents). For funnels, I used one non-PZR FP account, which remained unbanned throughout the entire traffic run.

I utilized aged domains, distributing traffic across multiple subdomains that remained unbanned.

I avoided using whites and directed bots to view a blank screen labeled «do nothing.»


I utilized typical creatives featuring a doctor’s endorsement, testing various approaches, with the best-performing ones shown in the screenshots above. I found that relevant creatives with a medical angle worked well for testing (the doctor and advertising slogan were present on the landing page itself). I also recommend converting picture creatives into videos as they sometimes perform better. For creation, I used Photoshop and Canva. My advice is to create more unique creatives, as they proved to be significant during rejections.

During the test, I downloaded all available landers for this offer, selecting the best one during the campaign: https://adsssite.com/view/10266?lmTestView=1&webmasterId=ad776e6c-b0c9-47d1-ac3a-ac24a1fb20fb

Это изображение имеет пустой атрибут alt; его имя файла - 2-1024x159.jpg

In summary, how did Cote d’Ivoire perform?

A cheap GEO doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t earn much. It turned out to be a decent earning opportunity over two months, aided by favorable conditions such as a guarantor and periodic payment boosts. I recommend cheap GEOs for newcomers to avoid committing large sums to hooks, as well as for seasoned arbitrageurs.

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